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오픽 본격 1일차

i could never : 나 그건 좀....

Literally : 진심, ㄹㅇ 

Honestly -> 솔직히

wanted to impress -> 감동을 주고 싶었걸랑

i don't know -> 머랄까....

actually : 정말로,진짜로

you know what i mean,right? -> 먼 말인지 알쥐?

my place is a -> a가 들어가면 구체적인 것

my place is -> 해당 장소를 통으로 말하고자 할떄 사용

it looks like a pikachu -> 이건 마치 피카츄같아

it's just right for me -> 나한테 딱맞자나?럭키~


예시 질문

tell me about your home 


내 답변

umm..my home..yeah

you know, i live with my family in a apartment

my home is very high place,so you know 19floor

My home is not too small and also not too large

So...my home is litrerally right for me